I have been on a zombie kick lately, I blame a couple of things for this. Left4dead 1 and 2 and most recently Zombieland being released on DVD. All of this sparked the idea to sculpt my own model kit to sell on
A few weeks later we have this corpse I'm calling patches. Still wrapped in his body bag, he emerges with a hunger for flesh. He has to work extra hard though considering that fact...he has no arms. He was sculpted in a few hours and then molded out of silicone.

I will be selling the unpainted ones for $50.00 and painted ones for $100.00. They are made of a urethane plastic which is mixed in two parts and then just poured into the mold. Minutes later you have a strong plastic version of the sculpt that does not need to be primed to paint.
This may not be his final paint job. This was my first idea, but now that I am seeing photos, I might like to see greenish skin tones a little more. We'll see when I paint another and put them side to side.

Enjoy everyone.